Abbie Hogue
Abbie Hogue is one of our new Outreach Coordinators! Abbie is responsible for providing Education and Outreach on behalf of the County and Surface Water Management District (SWMD) in collaboration with NEOPIPE. She will provide public workshops, events, and school programs within the SWMD communities. Abbie graduated from the University of Toledo with a B.S. in Environmental Science. She has experience as an outreach coordinator at Licking County Soil & Water. Abbie loves being outdoors in any capacity and spending time with friends and family.
Abbie’s favorite Best Management Practices (BMP) are bioretention cells. Installing a bioretention cell slows down stormwater and filters the polluted water through layers of native plants, mulch, rocks, and soil before it goes to a storm drain. Bioretention reduces water pollution AND is pleasing to the eye! Contact: [email protected] |