Erin Burke
Erin Burke is the Tuscarawas Watershed Coordinator where she works with communities and stakeholders to implement stormwater and watershed management within the Tuscarawas Watershed. Erin comes to SSWCD after graduating from The University of Akron in 2024 after receiving her bachelor’s degree in environmental science where her studies focused on water quality and management practices, drone and GIS applications, and physical geology. Before joining SSWCD she worked as a Watershed Coordinator & Educator intern where she assisted Watershed Coordinators in managing water quality monitoring, public and community engagement efforts, and implementing educational events. Erin’s favorite thing to do is be in nature! She loves hiking, learning about the natural world, and spending time with loved ones.
Erin’s favorite Best Management Practice are bioretention basins because they are a great way to beautify a space while providing wildlife habitats and a way to treat and contain runoff! Contact: [email protected] |