Watershed Management |
By raising watershed awareness throughout the county, SSWCD works to help businesses, communities, and individuals become better stewards of the land they live on and the water that runs through it.
Watershed management is all about keeping our water clean and our environment healthy. Think of a watershed as a big bowl that catches rain, which then flows into rivers, lakes, or streams. To ensure these water sources stay safe and vibrant, we use smart practices to manage the land and water together. This means taking steps to reduce pollution, protect wildlife habitats, and promote sustainable land use. By looking after the whole watershed, we help maintain a balanced ecosystem where both nature and people can thrive.
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In 2023, SSWCD developed a Stream Monitoring Volunteer Program with the support of the Cleveland Water Alliance and the Lake Erie Volunteer Science Network (LEVSN) in order to enhance the stewardship of Summit County watersheds by increasing knowledge of local water quality. By participating with LEVSN, SSWCD provides credible water quality data to drive necessary stewardship changes that support watershed health both locally and regionally. In addition, SSWCD documents water quality trends over time and uses the data as an evaluation tool for improvement projects.
Find the 2023 Lake Erie Watershed Health Summary here! |
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Watershed Work
"The earth, the air, the land, and the water are not an inheritance from our forefathers but on loan from our children. So, we have to handover to them at least what was handed to us.”